Spicy Burger on Portobello Bun


  • 2 Lbs ground beef

  • Tabañero Hot Sauce

  • 3 cloves carlic

  • 1 large avacodo

  • 5 large portabella Mushroom crowns (stems removed)

  • ½ tsp salt

  • ½ tsp ground black pepper

  • 1 tomato

  • Olive Oil



    1. In a large bowl, mix together the beef, 4 tbs of Tabañero Hot Sauce, minced garlic, salt & pepper and make 5 even patties. 

    2. Lightly rinse portabella mushrooms and rub both sides with olive oil.

    3. Put patties & portabellas on preheated grill and cook for appx 6 min, turning once. Patties are done when the Internal temp hits 160-165 degrees Fahrenheit

  1. Remove from grill.

  2. Put diced avocado & tomato slices in portabella, then put portabella on top of patty and serve.

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